Thursday 1 January 2015


2014 I wanted to:
  • find a yoga drop-in class in England to stretch those aging muscles again...and to build a closer bond to my English home (--> well, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Last week I signed up for a free sort of gym membership which includes access to yoga and aqua fitness classes)
  • take part in the London Shine marathon to support Cancer Research UK again...walking 42km through London at night in September (--> I chickened out as the prospect of walking through London all night and on my own suddenly terrified me, feeling very embarrassed about this)
  • to go to a professional bra fitting and from then on only wear bras that do fit (sounds silly but I think it is a rather sensible decision) (--> I didn't actually get my tits out for the lady with the tape measure but I spend some serious time in M&S changing rooms and think I have found my current holy grail now)
  • travel more (--> I doubt one can ever travel too much and there is always room for improvement and bolder choices but compared to many others I have seen a fare bit this year)
  • read one proper book in French (--> does getting it out of the bookshelf and placing it on my desk count?)
  • meet new people to broaden my horizon and "refresh" my circle of friends (--> hmm, easier said than done but I tried)
  • keep on consuming as much theatre, concerts, exhibitions, books, albums, films as possible (--> check! Although I didn't read anywhere as much as I wanted to)
  • the same as the last years (make my mind up when it comes to family planning, getting the second tattoo, do some university work, support smaller shops/cafes, shop less) (--> more clueless than ever when it comes to the baby question, still determined to get that tattoo but cannot decide on a studio, as lazy as ever when it comes to studying, definitely tried to support smaller shops whenever possible and have shopped significantly less as I'm simply not that bothered about it any more)
Sounds pretty sobering to list it all up like this but I still don't feel as if I have failed this year. I have done lots, I have seen lots, I have felt lots and apart from the odd tantrum I was happy and the year went bu way too fast.

2015 I want to:
  • get to know more people, especially in England, and dump more of the energy vampires
  • get the paint out and attend at least one life drawing class again
  • take part in the London Shone marathon to support Cancer Research UK, no more excuses
  • try out the yoga and the aqua fitness classes I now have access to
  • get my website sorted out and somehow move on with my photography, no idea in which direction this will take me yet
  • not get lost on or in the late evening and scare myself sleepless reading about the end of the world, the sickening cruelty of people and general ignorance
  • no more drugstore shopping for a bit of fun, I own more than I will ever use up already
  • be as active, restless and open-minded as possible - books, shows, films, music, art, countries, people, bars, restaurants - here I come!
  • get that second tattoo (yawn), freshen up my French (yaawn)
Let's get started!


  1. Good luck with your resolutions, but don't be too hard on yourself.

  2. Gute Vorsätze! Ich hab mir vorgenommen, alles so zu nehmen wie es kommt und das beste draus zu machen. So, that´s life ;)
    Ok... ich will eine Rückführung machen, Benedict Cumberbatch treffen, endlich Umziehen, noch ein paar Bloggerinnen kennen lernen, in Urlaub fahren, handwerken, nähen, einen Handstand machen,...
    Liebe Grüße

  3. I think it's stupid to feel like a failure when not all resolutions are completed, a year is a long time span and a lot can change anyway.
    But of course I'm wishing you lots of success! :)
