Saturday, 8 February 2014

Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2014

I´m late as usual as the exhibition actually closes tomorrow but anyway:

As in the lasts years I recently went to the National Portrait Gallery in London to look at the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2014 entries and winners.
The overall impression was very good again but, for me, there were no real highlights this year.
Some excellently crafted photos, some very touching stories and striking poses for sure.
But on the other hand too many photos of sujets that are simply over-used and hackneyed (e.g. the proud girl/boy/family from the ghetto/township/village, colourful Irish traveller families and twins - they really included too many twin portraits this time)
Nevertheless worth having a look - not just for art lovers and/or photography geeks.


  1. Mir gefällt das zweite Bild richtig gut. Kann gar nicht sagen warum...


    1. so soll es ja auch sein - das einem etwas spontan gefaellt und man gar nicht gross erklaeren kann und will warum :-)

  2. i really really wanna go next time... hope that next time's coming soon :D

  3. as you know, I very much agree with your assessment! xo
