Wednesday 26 February 2014

"everyday" (part 8)

some weeks into this little project I still notice how simple it is to try and do/experience/hear/see/taste/make one new thing each day - my awareness has risen and it turns out, there usually is more than one thing. Feels good, try it for yourself!

 19. - 25. February

19.2. went swimming and walked a slightly different route back
20.2. cooked a lasagne with savoy cabbage and for the first time made a bechamel sauce from scratch
21.2. walked through the interesting and charming Nordend of Frankfurt
22.2. went to see "Nebraska" in cinema
23.2. turned 32 for the first and probably last time
24.2. visited the Fasanerie in Wiesbaden and heard a lynx making grunting noises, never witnessed that before!
25.2. finally went to the Italian supermarket near Mainz to stock up on fancy pasta, Gorgonzola, fresh bread and tinned cherry tomatoes


  1. yeah, looks fab :)

  2. Ähm. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!! Das war aber ein Mini Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl!!! :o)

    1. eher der Holzhammer :-) Aber was will man machen wenn die Menschheit sich sonst nie an einen erinnert :-)
