some photos from our one night stop over in Bruges some weeks ago...still adore the place and would move in to one og those charming old houses anytime.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Friday, 26 July 2013
Freitags-Füller 63
Ich möchte mir in London sofort eine moeglichst kitschige Royal Baby Souvenir Tasse kaufen, ich finde so was toll.
Selbst die schlechtesten und doofsten youtube Videos die angeblich Geister oder aehnliches zeigen sollen, sind mir zu unheimlich.
Unterwegs mit meinen Sandalen bin ich gestern in eine Wespe getreten - auaah kann ich da nur sagen!
Mehr als 30Grad im Schatten sind mir eigentlich zuviel. Aber lieber so als Schnee und Eis, viel lieber.
Können wir jetzt bald unsere ersten Zwetschen im Garten ernten?
Pasta aglio e olio ist ein schnelles und leckeres Abendessen.
Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf ein Schwaetzchen nach langer Zeit mit einer meiner Schulfreundinnen, morgen habe ich durch Mainz bummeln, schwitzen, Eis essen und ins Kino gehen und "Paulette" sehen geplant und Sonntag möchte ich in den Wald, auf die Friedhoefe und beim Aufraeumen zu Hause noch mehr schwitzen!
Selbst die schlechtesten und doofsten youtube Videos die angeblich Geister oder aehnliches zeigen sollen, sind mir zu unheimlich.
Unterwegs mit meinen Sandalen bin ich gestern in eine Wespe getreten - auaah kann ich da nur sagen!
Mehr als 30Grad im Schatten sind mir eigentlich zuviel. Aber lieber so als Schnee und Eis, viel lieber.
Können wir jetzt bald unsere ersten Zwetschen im Garten ernten?
Pasta aglio e olio ist ein schnelles und leckeres Abendessen.
Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf ein Schwaetzchen nach langer Zeit mit einer meiner Schulfreundinnen, morgen habe ich durch Mainz bummeln, schwitzen, Eis essen und ins Kino gehen und "Paulette" sehen geplant und Sonntag möchte ich in den Wald, auf die Friedhoefe und beim Aufraeumen zu Hause noch mehr schwitzen!
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Madness...(five years of it ;-))
Last Wednesday, on the 17th July we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary (I´m repeating myself but where the hell has time gone?!?).
As our wedding was pretty unconventional and fantastic we celebrated in an unusual way too.
In the late afternoon we walked through the heat to the station: destination Sandown Racecourse.
For some years now the London racecourses organise music nights every summer which means horse racing from 6 to 8.30 and at 8.45 a concert - all with one sensibly priced ticket.
We went to see 70´s/80´s ska heroes Madness (which seem to be much less popular in Germany as I´m just finding out)!
What a fun day full of new experiences (very good for my resolution to do/see/try/taste/hear/feel something new every day)!
The horse racing was much less posh than you might think. No official announcements (at least not where we stood), no hats, no cucumber sandwiches...but loads of Pimm´s to drink.
Sometimes horses with their ridiculously tiny figures sitting on their backs (no offence meant but I can´t possibly call jockeys proper men...they have to weigh under 8st, it´s not normal) start running past in the distance for a minute or two. People stare at the screens, not at the actual race, quickly scream towards the end and: done.
And the winner it turned out always the one we didn´t pick.
Good we didn´t bet any actual money...maybe picking horses just by their funny or pretty name is not a very successful and professional way to make money out of this ;-)
Anyway, less excitement, less glamour but I still enjoyed it as it was so different!
Than Madness started and had the whole crowd dancing, skanking and jumping.
Well, the whole crowd but me cause I´m not a public dancer and show my exaltation more introvert. A foot tapping rhythmically is as good as it gets normally.
Problem for me was the group standing next to us, some friends between 45-60 years old which I decided overhasty were harmless. How wrong I could have been - never underestimate partying Brits!
They ate and drank, and drank more, and danced, and drank more, and drank more, danced more, fell over...and drank more. Fascinating. Slightly disgusting.
The wilder their own party became the more Prussian reserved I was.
Can´t believe how people are willing to drink more than 8 (!!!) pints of expensive beer on a hot evening, embarrassing themselves and paying that much money. If there is one danger in life I´m not belonging to the risk group than it must be alcoholism.
Anyway, the concert itself was fabulous. Have to say that I didn´t know half of their songs to start with but that has changed now. Those guys still have loads of energy and even their new songs blend in well (not like some other bands were new songs get nothing more than a polite cheer).
A "Madness" concert really is a non-stop party and I enjoyed it a lot. Listening to their cd´s now it makes such a difference, they are definitely more a live band!
Was a lovely evening that I will think about for ages - my first day at the races and my first taste of "Madness" but defnitely not the last.
What a fun and suitable anniversary...
As our wedding was pretty unconventional and fantastic we celebrated in an unusual way too.
In the late afternoon we walked through the heat to the station: destination Sandown Racecourse.
For some years now the London racecourses organise music nights every summer which means horse racing from 6 to 8.30 and at 8.45 a concert - all with one sensibly priced ticket.
We went to see 70´s/80´s ska heroes Madness (which seem to be much less popular in Germany as I´m just finding out)!
What a fun day full of new experiences (very good for my resolution to do/see/try/taste/hear/feel something new every day)!
The horse racing was much less posh than you might think. No official announcements (at least not where we stood), no hats, no cucumber sandwiches...but loads of Pimm´s to drink.
Sometimes horses with their ridiculously tiny figures sitting on their backs (no offence meant but I can´t possibly call jockeys proper men...they have to weigh under 8st, it´s not normal) start running past in the distance for a minute or two. People stare at the screens, not at the actual race, quickly scream towards the end and: done.
And the winner it turned out always the one we didn´t pick.
Good we didn´t bet any actual money...maybe picking horses just by their funny or pretty name is not a very successful and professional way to make money out of this ;-)
Anyway, less excitement, less glamour but I still enjoyed it as it was so different!
Than Madness started and had the whole crowd dancing, skanking and jumping.
Well, the whole crowd but me cause I´m not a public dancer and show my exaltation more introvert. A foot tapping rhythmically is as good as it gets normally.
Problem for me was the group standing next to us, some friends between 45-60 years old which I decided overhasty were harmless. How wrong I could have been - never underestimate partying Brits!
They ate and drank, and drank more, and danced, and drank more, and drank more, danced more, fell over...and drank more. Fascinating. Slightly disgusting.
The wilder their own party became the more Prussian reserved I was.
Can´t believe how people are willing to drink more than 8 (!!!) pints of expensive beer on a hot evening, embarrassing themselves and paying that much money. If there is one danger in life I´m not belonging to the risk group than it must be alcoholism.
Anyway, the concert itself was fabulous. Have to say that I didn´t know half of their songs to start with but that has changed now. Those guys still have loads of energy and even their new songs blend in well (not like some other bands were new songs get nothing more than a polite cheer).
A "Madness" concert really is a non-stop party and I enjoyed it a lot. Listening to their cd´s now it makes such a difference, they are definitely more a live band!
Was a lovely evening that I will think about for ages - my first day at the races and my first taste of "Madness" but defnitely not the last.
What a fun and suitable anniversary...
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
and I said no, no, no
Two years ago, on the 23rd July 2011 Amy Winehouse died.
The news reached me while waiting for boarding my flight to Frankfurt airport. My Mum texted me before the news screens started to report it
The first reaction was "it had to happen", the second was nevertheless a bit of a shock.
I adored her music and still do. I always felt she was someone special and extremely precious.
When I flew over London that night approaching Heathrow I looked down at the labyrinth of roads and houses and thought "down there somewhere lies the body of her now...that´s how it ended"
Two weeks ago I went to the Jewish Museum in London (which is situated rather hidden near Camden Town in London - it's not very big, costs entry free and still is very worth a visit).
They have a special exhibition about the jewish girl Amy Winehouse on at the moment. It is rather small and doesn´t display much but it struck a chord with me. Seeing photos of her as a girl, looking different than the others already. Listening to the records she loved, staring at her cd collection and wondering when and where she bought them and when did she last listen to them. Seeing one of her ridiculously tiny dresses, the Louboutins, the famous ballet slippers...
I left feeling that I wanted to know more.
Two days later I went to the library and borrowed Mitch Winehouse´s biography about his daughter. I read it very quickly and it only made me more sad.
I´m aware that his opinions are more than biased being her Dad and manager. I´m sure not everything he writes can be taken 100% for granted. Maybe he should have handled some situations different, maybe her on/off husband Blake was that evil, maybe not...but it all doesn´t change one thing: she died too young and ain´t coming back.
I can recommend reading it to everyone who is interested in Amy Winehouse and her music. It is not written in a particulary eloquent style and sometimes it gets very tedious to read about the constant "This time I will stay clean" closely followed by the next relapse. But if it is difficult to read, how awful must those years have been for the people who loved her? Definitely a fascinating, thought provoking and sad biography and a documentation of an addicts life.
Just look at those two videos, one from 2004 when she had just recorded her first album "Frank" and another one from her last gig in Belgrad is so sad that it gets hard to watch.
Rest in peace.
Hip Hip Hooray
A beautiful baby for a beautiful couple - congratulations!
What an exciting day it was, spend yesterday glued to the Royal Baby watch livestream.
(And I always said it´s going to be a boy :-))
PS: Realized something scary last night...when this boy is becoming King there is every chance my generation will be dead or as good as already...oh dear.
Monday, 22 July 2013
… female, daughter, wife, German, long-time student, BA, wannabe MA, pisces ascendent leo, photographer, synaesthetic, plus size, sensitive, direct, thoughtful, vengeful, melancholic, day dreamer, always on time, untidy, enthusiastic, curious, peace-loving, timid, fair, pedestrian, collector, consumer, bon vivant, creative and a cross border commuter between Germany and England
the book tag
I do read the blurb, have a look at the cover design, touch it to decide if I like the feel of the paper and then comes the most important: I sniff it. I always sniff my books!
Depends. Normally updating my goodreads page via Facebook and having a look through the reviews. If it wasn´t unbelievably boring I will read up on the author online, check out other, similar books...if it has been a good book I will need a break then for reflection. I´ve been known for developing some real wistfulness and withdrawal symptoms if I really "bonded" with a character and have to leave him/her behind now...
Don´t have a favourite one as I was more of a cassette listening girl. But I loved the "Kasperle" books my granny read to me..actually I loved listening to everything my granny read to me. She reading, me sitting on the table opposite her and drawing, drinking fennel tea...those were the days...
"Hölderlinstr. 11" by Regina Faerber. A love story between a 16 year old girl and a 40-something orchestra conductor. As I had a thing about fancying only "grown-ups" and even more so if they were in creative jobs this was my book and I adored it! Should read it again.
Someone offers you 1000€ for all your books - can you refuse?
Not sure. I own an awful lot of books, some leather bound (but probably worthless) treasures from my granny´s collection, loads of art and coffee table books and of course more paperbacks than I will ever read...honestly, altogether I guess I own well over 1000 books so the deal wouldn´t be great. Otherwise, thinking of all the space this deal would create...
From which genre do you own most books?
Fiction. Although I read most genres.
If you dislike the first 100 pages of a book, do you still continue reading?
I hate the idea of giving up and force myself...but hardly ever succeed. Normally I start another one, the "problem" stays on the bedside and waits...and waits...and collects dust...and waits...but as long as it is out of the shelf I can convince myself that I will finish it, one day. You see were my chaos at home is coming from now, can´t you ;-) ?
With which fictional character would you like to meet up for a drink?
What a question, Mr. Darcy of course (and I wouldn´t mind if it would be for more than a drink *ahem). But there would be plenty more - I´m sure you could have a fantastic time with Bridget Jones or the Weasley family.
Do you listen to music while reading or need quietness?
I prefer reading without music in the background but I´m able to blend out most noises when reading on trains or in parks.
Which book should everyone read in school?
Anything that gets them into reading really. I particularly enjoyed reading "Effi Briest", "Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts", "Berlin Alexanderplatz" and "Pride and Prejudice" but I am a freak and always have been.
Friday, 19 July 2013
Freitags-Füller 62
Heute wird (bzw. wurde) mal wieder von England in meine hessische Dependance gewechselt.
Zum Sommer gehoeren Erdbeeren mit Schlagsahne, egal ob als Kuchen oder Eisbecher (zuletzt genossen am heutigen Nachmittag :-)).
Ich hatte gute Vorsätze im Januar und habe sie auch immer noch, an manche halte ich mich sogar (z.B. mehr zu lesen)!
Vom Flugzeug aus sieht man manchmal den schönsten Sonnenuntergang.
Zum Frühstück esse ich mittlerweile auch sehr gern deftiges wie Eier und Speck. Noch vor einigen Jahren haette ich das so frueh noch nicht mal riechen koennen.
Die lange Schlange beim baggage drop off in Heathrow hat mich heute geärgert. Aber nicht lange denn dann hat mich eine nette Mitarbeiterin aus der Schlange zitiert und ich durfte am Schalter der First Class einchecken, yeah.
Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf's daheim sein, morgen habe ich einen Tag in Frankfurt mit Besuch des Film-Museums und Mittagessen beim Thailaender, gefolgt von einem Abend beim Open Air Impro Theater Sommer geplant und Sonntag möchte ich aufraeumen, die Friedhofs Runde machen und baden - zu Deutsch: gammeln!
Ich hatte gute Vorsätze im Januar und habe sie auch immer noch, an manche halte ich mich sogar (z.B. mehr zu lesen)!
Vom Flugzeug aus sieht man manchmal den schönsten Sonnenuntergang.
Zum Frühstück esse ich mittlerweile auch sehr gern deftiges wie Eier und Speck. Noch vor einigen Jahren haette ich das so frueh noch nicht mal riechen koennen.
Die lange Schlange beim baggage drop off in Heathrow hat mich heute geärgert. Aber nicht lange denn dann hat mich eine nette Mitarbeiterin aus der Schlange zitiert und ich durfte am Schalter der First Class einchecken, yeah.
Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf's daheim sein, morgen habe ich einen Tag in Frankfurt mit Besuch des Film-Museums und Mittagessen beim Thailaender, gefolgt von einem Abend beim Open Air Impro Theater Sommer geplant und Sonntag möchte ich aufraeumen, die Friedhofs Runde machen und baden - zu Deutsch: gammeln!
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Monday, 15 July 2013
Race for Life 2014
Time is running and so was I (well, walking really).
It was already on the Sunday a week ago that I took part in this year's Race for Life event. Picked one of the hottest days of the year for my 10km in London Blackheath and was getting slightly worried beforehand as: the race was starting at 14h --> most aggressive sunshine and the entire course on Blackheath Common had no shade whatsoever. Would I be able to drink enough and would I be able to not get sunburned with any protection washed away by sweat?
I walked to the station, took train to London Waterloo, took another train to Blackheath and was happy and entertained as this brought me through and to a corner of London pretty much unknown to me.
Not knowing what to expect I was delighted to find out that Blackheath has a quite chaming villagey feel to it and I have made a note for myself to come back in order to have a proper look one day.
But I'm rambling, the common got more and more busy with several thousand ladies taking part, the stands selling t-shirts or giving out awful soft drink testers weren't very appealing and I skipped the warm-up for good. It was 33C after all!
At 14.03 o' clock I walked through the start line determined to walk in my natural pace and not trying to walk quicker and power myself out.
As usual the first two kilometres where relatively hard and after what felt a far far distance I passed the sign saying 1k - brilliant...not.
I kept walking and walking, being entertained by the snippets of conversations around me and the busses and cars driving past blowing their horns. With my straw hat and sunglasses I was fairly well protected and surprisingly didn't get too hot. Unfortunately (and not really understandible for me) there was only one station at 5k to hand out plastic cups of water. Glad I brought my own 2 litres otherwise I might have joined the poor ladies that had to lie down on the side being looked after by the hard-working paramedics on their bikes.
To cut a long story - or better walk - short: Once I settled into my walking rhythm I was fine and proud to be part of this huge event again.
I crossed the finish line at 1h 46min so I took exactly 1h 43min which is not too bad considering the weather condintions. Got away with no sunburn, no blisters and didn't dehydrate.
Nothing beats the feeling once you have finished :-)
Such a great event with women of all ages, shapes, fitness levels, classes and religions taking part. With fancy clothing or just in their running clothes, with walking canes or wearing a headscarf, in a big giggly group or as lone warriors. And no bitch fighting in sight!!!
So I want to say thank you again to all those wonderful people who have supported me again this year with a donation to Cancer Research UK. I appreciate it a lot and I promise you it is money well spend as unfortunately no one will not get affected one way or another by cancer at least once in your life.
If you think of yourself as a wonderful person as well but haven't donated anything yet don't despair: you still have the chance to do this through my JustGiving page or by just contacting me :-)
Cancer, we're coming to get you!
PS: Of course I wouldn't be me if, despite all the pride, joy and the great cause I would pick up on slightly annoying details. Is it morally acceptable to read people's signs pinned to their backs ( the space to share who you race for) and spot spelling mistakes?!?
I felt slightly bad about myself for this one but it just is "inspiration" and not "insperation".
I'm not perfect myself and know it but I had to overtake that woman quickly otherwise this word would have driven me insane the whole bloody 1h 43min ;-)
It was already on the Sunday a week ago that I took part in this year's Race for Life event. Picked one of the hottest days of the year for my 10km in London Blackheath and was getting slightly worried beforehand as: the race was starting at 14h --> most aggressive sunshine and the entire course on Blackheath Common had no shade whatsoever. Would I be able to drink enough and would I be able to not get sunburned with any protection washed away by sweat?
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excuse the shitty photos but my bag was heavy enough without a dslr |
I walked to the station, took train to London Waterloo, took another train to Blackheath and was happy and entertained as this brought me through and to a corner of London pretty much unknown to me.
Not knowing what to expect I was delighted to find out that Blackheath has a quite chaming villagey feel to it and I have made a note for myself to come back in order to have a proper look one day.
But I'm rambling, the common got more and more busy with several thousand ladies taking part, the stands selling t-shirts or giving out awful soft drink testers weren't very appealing and I skipped the warm-up for good. It was 33C after all!
At 14.03 o' clock I walked through the start line determined to walk in my natural pace and not trying to walk quicker and power myself out.
As usual the first two kilometres where relatively hard and after what felt a far far distance I passed the sign saying 1k - brilliant...not.
![]() |
the only shade was provided by the bins |
I kept walking and walking, being entertained by the snippets of conversations around me and the busses and cars driving past blowing their horns. With my straw hat and sunglasses I was fairly well protected and surprisingly didn't get too hot. Unfortunately (and not really understandible for me) there was only one station at 5k to hand out plastic cups of water. Glad I brought my own 2 litres otherwise I might have joined the poor ladies that had to lie down on the side being looked after by the hard-working paramedics on their bikes.
To cut a long story - or better walk - short: Once I settled into my walking rhythm I was fine and proud to be part of this huge event again.
I crossed the finish line at 1h 46min so I took exactly 1h 43min which is not too bad considering the weather condintions. Got away with no sunburn, no blisters and didn't dehydrate.
Nothing beats the feeling once you have finished :-)
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must have picked up some dust on the way...makes my legs look hairy |
Such a great event with women of all ages, shapes, fitness levels, classes and religions taking part. With fancy clothing or just in their running clothes, with walking canes or wearing a headscarf, in a big giggly group or as lone warriors. And no bitch fighting in sight!!!
So I want to say thank you again to all those wonderful people who have supported me again this year with a donation to Cancer Research UK. I appreciate it a lot and I promise you it is money well spend as unfortunately no one will not get affected one way or another by cancer at least once in your life.
If you think of yourself as a wonderful person as well but haven't donated anything yet don't despair: you still have the chance to do this through my JustGiving page or by just contacting me :-)
Cancer, we're coming to get you!
PS: Of course I wouldn't be me if, despite all the pride, joy and the great cause I would pick up on slightly annoying details. Is it morally acceptable to read people's signs pinned to their backs ( the space to share who you race for) and spot spelling mistakes?!?
I felt slightly bad about myself for this one but it just is "inspiration" and not "insperation".
I'm not perfect myself and know it but I had to overtake that woman quickly otherwise this word would have driven me insane the whole bloody 1h 43min ;-)
2 Days in New York
unfortunately it's only the film title and not what I have planned for this week :-)
director: Julie Delpy
year: 2012
with: Julie Delpy, Chris Rock, Albert Delpy, Alexia Landeau, etc.
plot: Parisian Marion is living in New York with her son, in order to be closer to Jack, the boy's father (Marion's ex-boyfriend from 2007 prequel 2 Days in Paris). She and her new boyfriend Mingus have a cozy relationship until the arrival of Marion's father, sister and sister's boyfriend, on vacation from France. The group's two days together are tested by "unwitting racism and sexual frankness", with no one left unscathed.
what I liked: Seeing New York on film is never a bad thing and as you all know I adore Paris. I enjoy to listen to New York accents as well as French (even more so if it is subtitled ;-)).On top of that I like a good culture clash film and well, the beautiful and stylish apartment didn't hurt the eye either...and there is something about Julie Delpy that I like...and something that annoys me. Can't really explain what this something is but let's say, she fascinates me.
what I didn't like: It is just pure chaos. They talk loads and they talk loud and fast, both languages sometimes at the same time. The jokes are sometimes badly below the belt and it still irritates me that her funny but creepy father in the films is really her biological father. How embarrassing must dialogues then be like "I have to sleep on the sofa? Where am I going to jerk off?"?!?
Or maybe it is me not being French and Bohemian enough...
verdict: It was ok but, as 2 Days in Paris years before, not something I have to watch again. Too hectic and exaggerated for my taste but at least nice to look at and listen to.
director: Julie Delpy
year: 2012
with: Julie Delpy, Chris Rock, Albert Delpy, Alexia Landeau, etc.
plot: Parisian Marion is living in New York with her son, in order to be closer to Jack, the boy's father (Marion's ex-boyfriend from 2007 prequel 2 Days in Paris). She and her new boyfriend Mingus have a cozy relationship until the arrival of Marion's father, sister and sister's boyfriend, on vacation from France. The group's two days together are tested by "unwitting racism and sexual frankness", with no one left unscathed.
what I liked: Seeing New York on film is never a bad thing and as you all know I adore Paris. I enjoy to listen to New York accents as well as French (even more so if it is subtitled ;-)).On top of that I like a good culture clash film and well, the beautiful and stylish apartment didn't hurt the eye either...and there is something about Julie Delpy that I like...and something that annoys me. Can't really explain what this something is but let's say, she fascinates me.
what I didn't like: It is just pure chaos. They talk loads and they talk loud and fast, both languages sometimes at the same time. The jokes are sometimes badly below the belt and it still irritates me that her funny but creepy father in the films is really her biological father. How embarrassing must dialogues then be like "I have to sleep on the sofa? Where am I going to jerk off?"?!?
Or maybe it is me not being French and Bohemian enough...
verdict: It was ok but, as 2 Days in Paris years before, not something I have to watch again. Too hectic and exaggerated for my taste but at least nice to look at and listen to.
Friday, 12 July 2013
Freitags-Füller 61
Jetzt gibt es die erste BBC Prom des Jahres aus der Royal Albert Hall live im Fernsehen.
Meeresfrüchte, Austern, Kaviar, etc. könnte ich nicht einmal probieren.
Ein Hauch von Zimt schmeckt am Hackfleisch richtig gut.
Ich gebe es zu, ich lebe auf Facebook. Unterhalte mich dort mit Freunden, koordiniere Treffen, spiele Spiele, stelle meine Fotos zur Schau, informiere mich und nehme an Gewinnspielen teil - es ist zum Dreh- und Angelpunkt geworden.
Mir persönlich schmeckt ausnahmslos jedes Gemüse gut.
Ich denke ich bin zuverlässig. Ich mache halt alles in meiner Zeit - es kann sein das eine mail, ein Formular oder ein Blogpost 2 Jahre statt 2 Tage dauert aber am Ende ist alles erledigt.
Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf´s Beine ausstrecken - war in London unterwegs und bin fast 20km gelaufen*freu (und da wäre noch mehr drin gewesen), morgen habe ich Wäsche waschen, Camping Kram wegräumen, bloggen, in die Stadt gehen um Zahnseide zu kaufen und Rogan Josh Curry kochen geplant und Sonntag möchte ich im Garten die Sonne geniessen, Unkraut rupfen, die Wände im zukünftigen Badezimmer türkis streichen, lesen und mich des Lebens freuen !
Meeresfrüchte, Austern, Kaviar, etc. könnte ich nicht einmal probieren.
Ein Hauch von Zimt schmeckt am Hackfleisch richtig gut.
Ich gebe es zu, ich lebe auf Facebook. Unterhalte mich dort mit Freunden, koordiniere Treffen, spiele Spiele, stelle meine Fotos zur Schau, informiere mich und nehme an Gewinnspielen teil - es ist zum Dreh- und Angelpunkt geworden.
Mir persönlich schmeckt ausnahmslos jedes Gemüse gut.
Ich denke ich bin zuverlässig. Ich mache halt alles in meiner Zeit - es kann sein das eine mail, ein Formular oder ein Blogpost 2 Jahre statt 2 Tage dauert aber am Ende ist alles erledigt.
Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf´s Beine ausstrecken - war in London unterwegs und bin fast 20km gelaufen*freu (und da wäre noch mehr drin gewesen), morgen habe ich Wäsche waschen, Camping Kram wegräumen, bloggen, in die Stadt gehen um Zahnseide zu kaufen und Rogan Josh Curry kochen geplant und Sonntag möchte ich im Garten die Sonne geniessen, Unkraut rupfen, die Wände im zukünftigen Badezimmer türkis streichen, lesen und mich des Lebens freuen !
Sunday, 7 July 2013
man vs. woman
found this funny test on Manu's blog...let's find out: am I more girly or a tomboy?!
your feminine side:
[x] You like shopping?
Yes. A lot.
[x] Do you wear eyeliner?
Sometimes. More so since I discovered the advantages of gel eyeliner.
[ ] You think cheerleading is a sport? thought about it. It's something out of films I do not watch so not my world at all. I guess this "test" comes from the US.
[ ] Hate wearing black?
Man, I have a BA in theatre studies, in a perfect world I should wear nothing else but black together with my black rimmed Ray Ban glasses ;-)!
[ ] Do you like shopping centres?
no, I can't stand them really and will always chose a proper town with streets, life and air if I have the choice.
[ ] Do you like getting manicures/pedicures?
never had one but I'm sure it can be quite nice
[x] Like wearing jewellery?
I always wear my wedding and my engagement ring on my left hand, a thin silver necklace with a diamond and my total of four earrings. Apart from that I love buying costume jewellery more than actually wearing it.
[ ] Did "Titanic" make you cry?
No. Only watched it once and it didn't really do anything for me apart from being veeery long.
[x] Do you own many skirts?
[x] Is shopping one of your favourite hobbies?
It is morally wrong to call it a hobby but if I'm honest; yes, and it is great fun.
[x] You dislike Star Wars?
Definitely. Tried to watch it twice and always fell asleep after 5-10min so I have given up.
[ ] Do you do athletics?
No way!!!! (But why on earth is that supposed to be a female trait? Most girls I know hated nothing more than running, throwing balls and jumping into sand pits)
[ ] Do you need longer than one hour to get ready in the bathroom?
Not normally. I can be ready in around 15min if I have to.
[ ] Do you smile/laugh more than you should?
I don't think you can smile/laugh too much . Unfortunately I'm not a smiley type of person
[x] Do you own more than 10 pairs of shoes?
hahaha, add another zero to this number and I can still proudly say: YES!
[x] Is it important to look good?
I'm not obsessed with it but I guess everybody wants to look good in their own way.
[x] You like wearing dresses?
Yes, my collection is growing by the day.
[x] You use deodorant/perfumes?
Of course I do. Not wearing deodorant in my opinion is a criminal offence and I love my perfumes. Never without any of the two.
[x] You say "cute" very often
Not very often, I hope, but I do say it.
[x] You like high-heels
I do. But more for putting them on the shelve and adoring them then for actual wear.
[x] As a child you played with dolls
I was a proud doll mum of a huge breed. In my doll mum mind two of them were my own kids (Karla and Tinchen) and the rest were all adopted...those were the days.
[ ] You enjoy doing other peoples make-up
No, not something that you get the chance to do very often, is it?!
[ ] Do you like being the centre of attention?
No. But I hate being ignored even more so.
[x] pink is one of your favourite colours
If a hot Barbie pink is meant here then no. But I love a faded, dusty ballet shoe pink.
your masculin side:
[x] You wear hoodies?
[x] You wear jeans?
[ ] Dogs are better than cats?
course not! Dogs stink and are nowhere near as soft and fun as cats. As if all men would prefer dogs...
[ ] You find it funny when someone gets hurt?
no...unless I really really dislike that someone. But even then I feel sorry for them most times.
[ ] Did you ever play/work in a mostly male team?
no, never played or worked in any sort of team.
[ ] Shopping is torture
for my bank account, yes.
[ ] Sad films suck!
no, most comedies suck much more.
[ ] Do you own a XBOX/PS2/PS3?
definitely not
[ ] Did you play with cars as a child?
never...unless the bright pink Barbie campervan counts ;-)
[ ] Did you ever have the wish to become a firefighter?
Noo, I dream about being rescued by a handsome one so being one myself would sort of spoil the effect. My dream professions during childhood and the teenage years were:
interior designer, vet, stage designer
[x] Did you watch the Ninja Turtles?
not really watch it but I was an avid collector of the Panini album so I guess that counts. Remember the stickers? Especially the silver holographic ones?
[ ] You watch sports on tv
never ever
[ ] You watch war films?
no. Unless it is a "normal" film in which war plays a part too.
[x] You ask your dad for advise?
have to as I can't ask my mum anymore.
[ ] You own a trillion of baseball caps
I own a few but much prefer to wear proper hats or fascinators
[x]Did you ever collect cards?
I collected many Panini albums (see above), was much into those small colourful stickers and yes, I had a time were I bought those awful Wrestling cards, God knows why :-/
[x] You find pyjama parties strange
never done and probably never will so yes, they are a bit weird
[x] Green, black, blue or silver is one of your favourite colours
Green! But only the dirty, warmer tones. And violet...and mauve...and taupe...not very manly really ;-)
[x] You enjoy having fun and don't care what others think
Don't care would be exaggerated but I care less and less and I certainly do have an awful lot of fun.
[ ] You do much sport
not apart from the odd try to run or wave kettlebells about. But on an average day I walk between 5-10km, sometimes even much more.
[x] Do you speak with your mouth full
I try not to but I guess it happens.
14/ 8 -- it's a girl :-)
your feminine side:
[x] You like shopping?
Yes. A lot.
[x] Do you wear eyeliner?
Sometimes. More so since I discovered the advantages of gel eyeliner.
[ ] You think cheerleading is a sport? thought about it. It's something out of films I do not watch so not my world at all. I guess this "test" comes from the US.
[ ] Hate wearing black?
Man, I have a BA in theatre studies, in a perfect world I should wear nothing else but black together with my black rimmed Ray Ban glasses ;-)!
[ ] Do you like shopping centres?
no, I can't stand them really and will always chose a proper town with streets, life and air if I have the choice.
[ ] Do you like getting manicures/pedicures?
never had one but I'm sure it can be quite nice
[x] Like wearing jewellery?
I always wear my wedding and my engagement ring on my left hand, a thin silver necklace with a diamond and my total of four earrings. Apart from that I love buying costume jewellery more than actually wearing it.
[ ] Did "Titanic" make you cry?
No. Only watched it once and it didn't really do anything for me apart from being veeery long.
[x] Do you own many skirts?
[x] Is shopping one of your favourite hobbies?
It is morally wrong to call it a hobby but if I'm honest; yes, and it is great fun.
[x] You dislike Star Wars?
Definitely. Tried to watch it twice and always fell asleep after 5-10min so I have given up.
[ ] Do you do athletics?
No way!!!! (But why on earth is that supposed to be a female trait? Most girls I know hated nothing more than running, throwing balls and jumping into sand pits)
[ ] Do you need longer than one hour to get ready in the bathroom?
Not normally. I can be ready in around 15min if I have to.
[ ] Do you smile/laugh more than you should?
I don't think you can smile/laugh too much . Unfortunately I'm not a smiley type of person
[x] Do you own more than 10 pairs of shoes?
hahaha, add another zero to this number and I can still proudly say: YES!
[x] Is it important to look good?
I'm not obsessed with it but I guess everybody wants to look good in their own way.
[x] You like wearing dresses?
Yes, my collection is growing by the day.
[x] You use deodorant/perfumes?
Of course I do. Not wearing deodorant in my opinion is a criminal offence and I love my perfumes. Never without any of the two.
[x] You say "cute" very often
Not very often, I hope, but I do say it.
[x] You like high-heels
I do. But more for putting them on the shelve and adoring them then for actual wear.
[x] As a child you played with dolls
I was a proud doll mum of a huge breed. In my doll mum mind two of them were my own kids (Karla and Tinchen) and the rest were all adopted...those were the days.
[ ] You enjoy doing other peoples make-up
No, not something that you get the chance to do very often, is it?!
[ ] Do you like being the centre of attention?
No. But I hate being ignored even more so.
[x] pink is one of your favourite colours
If a hot Barbie pink is meant here then no. But I love a faded, dusty ballet shoe pink.
[x] You wear hoodies?
[x] You wear jeans?
[ ] Dogs are better than cats?
course not! Dogs stink and are nowhere near as soft and fun as cats. As if all men would prefer dogs...
[ ] You find it funny when someone gets hurt?
no...unless I really really dislike that someone. But even then I feel sorry for them most times.
[ ] Did you ever play/work in a mostly male team?
no, never played or worked in any sort of team.
[ ] Shopping is torture
for my bank account, yes.
[ ] Sad films suck!
no, most comedies suck much more.
[ ] Do you own a XBOX/PS2/PS3?
definitely not
[ ] Did you play with cars as a child?
never...unless the bright pink Barbie campervan counts ;-)
[ ] Did you ever have the wish to become a firefighter?
Noo, I dream about being rescued by a handsome one so being one myself would sort of spoil the effect. My dream professions during childhood and the teenage years were:
interior designer, vet, stage designer
[x] Did you watch the Ninja Turtles?
not really watch it but I was an avid collector of the Panini album so I guess that counts. Remember the stickers? Especially the silver holographic ones?
[ ] You watch sports on tv
never ever
[ ] You watch war films?
no. Unless it is a "normal" film in which war plays a part too.
[x] You ask your dad for advise?
have to as I can't ask my mum anymore.
[ ] You own a trillion of baseball caps
I own a few but much prefer to wear proper hats or fascinators
[x]Did you ever collect cards?
I collected many Panini albums (see above), was much into those small colourful stickers and yes, I had a time were I bought those awful Wrestling cards, God knows why :-/
[x] You find pyjama parties strange
never done and probably never will so yes, they are a bit weird
[x] Green, black, blue or silver is one of your favourite colours
Green! But only the dirty, warmer tones. And violet...and mauve...and taupe...not very manly really ;-)
[x] You enjoy having fun and don't care what others think
Don't care would be exaggerated but I care less and less and I certainly do have an awful lot of fun.
[ ] You do much sport
not apart from the odd try to run or wave kettlebells about. But on an average day I walk between 5-10km, sometimes even much more.
[x] Do you speak with your mouth full
I try not to but I guess it happens.
14/ 8 -- it's a girl :-)
Saturday, 6 July 2013
bag parade, part sixteen
where: ebay, one those Korean or Chinese sellers specialised in replicas
when: 2012
A fake leather bag that is more or less modelled on the famous Mulberry "Bayswater".
Although it does look quite plastic I really like this one and it is one of my most used handbags at the moment. Ladylike and easy to combine with pretty much everything. I think I have to start saving for the real deal now...I really do.
when: 2012
A fake leather bag that is more or less modelled on the famous Mulberry "Bayswater".
Although it does look quite plastic I really like this one and it is one of my most used handbags at the moment. Ladylike and easy to combine with pretty much everything. I think I have to start saving for the real deal now...I really do.
The cripple of Inishmaan
theatre: Noel Coward Theatre, London / Michael Grandage Company
author: Martin McDonagh
director: Michael Grandage
starring Daniel Radcliffe (who btw looks absolutely ill and exhausted at the moment and is way too young to be attractive for me anyway)
Set on the small Aran Islands community of Inishmaan off the Western Coast of Ireland, c. 1934, the inhabitants are excited to learn of a Hollywood film crew's arrival in neighbouring Inishmore to make a documentary about life on the islands."Cripple" Billy Claven, eager to escape the gossip, poverty and boredom of Inishmaan, vies for a part in the film, and to everyone's surprise, the orphan and outcast gets his chance...
what I liked: it was fairly entertaining, Daniel Radcliffe is a good enough actor and I understood everything despite the strong (and partly faked) Irish accents. I can tell everyone now that I have seen Harry Potter live on stage (at the stage door I missed him by seconds)!
what I didn't like: it was completely unsophisticated and dowdy, lacking any sort of creativity and artful spark (something unfortunately often happening on English stages).
The set, the acting, the costumes and last but not least the play itself - everything was more amateur burlesque than a fresh and exciting re-interpretation.. Not sure if jokes about priest groping kids arses are really knee-slappers nowadays.
verdict: Too much drinking and swearing but secretly good-hearted Oirish stereotypes and too little real dramatic art and compassion.
Not the best of plays done in the most safe and boring way possible. Something to please the paying masses, a bit of Irish folklore for the Daniel Radcliffe fans (there is no other reason to cast an English actor to star as an Irish blatant).
You can go and see it till the 31 might as well leave it.
author: Martin McDonagh
director: Michael Grandage
starring Daniel Radcliffe (who btw looks absolutely ill and exhausted at the moment and is way too young to be attractive for me anyway)
Set on the small Aran Islands community of Inishmaan off the Western Coast of Ireland, c. 1934, the inhabitants are excited to learn of a Hollywood film crew's arrival in neighbouring Inishmore to make a documentary about life on the islands."Cripple" Billy Claven, eager to escape the gossip, poverty and boredom of Inishmaan, vies for a part in the film, and to everyone's surprise, the orphan and outcast gets his chance...
on the remote island of Inishmaan off the west coast of Ireland, word
arrives that a Hollywood film is being made on the neighbouring island
of Inishmore. The one person who wants to be in the film more than
anybody is young Cripple Billy, if only to break away from the bitter
tedium of his daily life. - See more at:
on the remote island of Inishmaan off the west coast of Ireland, word
arrives that a Hollywood film is being made on the neighbouring island
of Inishmore. The one person who wants to be in the film more than
anybody is young Cripple Billy, if only to break away from the bitter
tedium of his daily life. - See more at:
on the remote island of Inishmaan off the west coast of Ireland, word
arrives that a Hollywood film is being made on the neighbouring island
of Inishmore. The one person who wants to be in the film more than
anybody is young Cripple Billy, if only to break away from the bitter
tedium of his daily life. - See more at:
on the remote island of Inishmaan off the west coast of Ireland, word
arrives that a Hollywood film is being made on the neighbouring island
of Inishmore. The one person who wants to be in the film more than
anybody is young Cripple Billy, if only to break away from the bitter
tedium of his daily life. - See more at:
on the remote island of Inishmaan off the west coast of Ireland, word
arrives that a Hollywood film is being made on the neighbouring island
of Inishmore. The one person who wants to be in the film more than
anybody is young Cripple Billy, if only to break away from the bitter
tedium of his daily life. - See more at:
on the remote island of Inishmaan off the west coast of Ireland, word
arrives that a Hollywood film is being made on the neighbouring island
of Inishmore. The one person who wants to be in the film more than
anybody is young Cripple Billy, if only to break away from the bitter
tedium of his daily life. - See more at:
on the remote island of Inishmaan off the west coast of Ireland, word
arrives that a Hollywood film is being made on the neighbouring island
of Inishmore. The one person who wants to be in the film more than
anybody is young Cripple Billy, if only to break away from the bitter
tedium of his daily life. - See more at:
what I liked: it was fairly entertaining, Daniel Radcliffe is a good enough actor and I understood everything despite the strong (and partly faked) Irish accents. I can tell everyone now that I have seen Harry Potter live on stage (at the stage door I missed him by seconds)!
what I didn't like: it was completely unsophisticated and dowdy, lacking any sort of creativity and artful spark (something unfortunately often happening on English stages).
The set, the acting, the costumes and last but not least the play itself - everything was more amateur burlesque than a fresh and exciting re-interpretation.. Not sure if jokes about priest groping kids arses are really knee-slappers nowadays.
verdict: Too much drinking and swearing but secretly good-hearted Oirish stereotypes and too little real dramatic art and compassion.
Not the best of plays done in the most safe and boring way possible. Something to please the paying masses, a bit of Irish folklore for the Daniel Radcliffe fans (there is no other reason to cast an English actor to star as an Irish blatant).
You can go and see it till the 31 might as well leave it.
Friday, 5 July 2013
Freitags-Füller 60
Momentan ist es hier leider eher ruhig - ich erlebe, sehe, hoere, knipse und kaufe momentan so viel, dass ich kaum dazu komme alles zu verarbeiten geschweige denn drueber zu bloggen. Ich bitte um Verzeihung, gelobe Besserung und hoffe ich hab mein Luxusproblem bald im Griff.
Im Finale von Wimbledon steht wohl nicht Boris Becker.
Am St. Nimmerleinstag wird alles besser.
Manche (freundschaftliche) Beziehungen sind so einseitig, dass man sie eigentlich beenden muesste. Macht man trotzdem meist doch nicht und aergert sich immer weiter ohne das es betreffende Personen ueberhaupt merken...
"Der Kaiser von Oesterreich muss gar nichts" könnte der Titel meiner Memoiren sein.
Ich freue mich auf unseren Camping Trip nach York kommende Woche - der Wetterbericht verheisst grossartiges!
Vieles auf der Welt ist nicht fair. Daran wird sich wahrscheinlich auch leider nie etwas aendern.
Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf einen ruhigen Abend im Garten nachdem ich nachher hoffentlich erfolgreich den allerersten Zahnarzt Termin in England ueberstehe, morgen habe ich auf den Flohmarkt gehen, danach auf dem Markt Thailaendisch essen und danach weiter am Badezimmer werkeln geplant und Sonntag möchte ich nach Blackheath fahren und dort am diesjaehrigen Race for Life teilnehmen und meine 10km schnellstmoeglich laufen - wer mich dabei noch unterstuetzten moechte, kann das auf dem Button links tun!
Im Finale von Wimbledon steht wohl nicht Boris Becker.
Am St. Nimmerleinstag wird alles besser.
Manche (freundschaftliche) Beziehungen sind so einseitig, dass man sie eigentlich beenden muesste. Macht man trotzdem meist doch nicht und aergert sich immer weiter ohne das es betreffende Personen ueberhaupt merken...
"Der Kaiser von Oesterreich muss gar nichts" könnte der Titel meiner Memoiren sein.
Ich freue mich auf unseren Camping Trip nach York kommende Woche - der Wetterbericht verheisst grossartiges!
Vieles auf der Welt ist nicht fair. Daran wird sich wahrscheinlich auch leider nie etwas aendern.
Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf einen ruhigen Abend im Garten nachdem ich nachher hoffentlich erfolgreich den allerersten Zahnarzt Termin in England ueberstehe, morgen habe ich auf den Flohmarkt gehen, danach auf dem Markt Thailaendisch essen und danach weiter am Badezimmer werkeln geplant und Sonntag möchte ich nach Blackheath fahren und dort am diesjaehrigen Race for Life teilnehmen und meine 10km schnellstmoeglich laufen - wer mich dabei noch unterstuetzten moechte, kann das auf dem Button links tun!
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