and more first times...
5. -11. March
5.3. ate some home-made avocado and lime cake - seems I have found a use for avocados at last
6.3. lost my diamond necklace while swimming :-(
7.3. seen the ferret we once named "Großwurst" in his new enclosure at Fasanerie in Wiesbaden (years ago we saw one, medium sized, and spontaneously called him "Salami"...then a small one showed up and following the logic I named him "Bifi"...well the third one was bigger so my husband with his German skills decided on "Großwurst")
8.3. sniffed an almond tree in bloom to see what I missed by not travelling to Mallorca this spring
9.3. had pre-birth couple photo shoot in the most glorious weather possible
10.3. seen "Grand Hotel Budapest" in a cute and oldfashioned independent cinema in Mainz
11.3. went to Speyer by train and visited the current Playmobil exhibition there
Ui, Playmobil in Speyer? Da wohnt meine Schwester... wäre ja mal ne Reise wert, wenns nicht so lang zu fahren wäre. :o(