Wednesday, 22 January 2014

"everyday" (part 3)

15. - 21. January

15.1. ironed the sleeves of a shirt (well, gave up after one as I decided it is no fun at all))
16.1. lost all dignity due to a stomach bug...a first I don't particularly wanna repeat
17.1. went to the largest suburb of Mainz, Gonsenheim, and liked it a lot
18.1. walked through the "Liesel Christ Anlage" in Frankfurt
19.1. saw "Nora" in theatre Mainz
20.1. bought a "Gulleplutt" finger doll in Ikea
21.1. had a cappuccino in the bookshop/cafe "Bukafski" in Mainz

what can I say, since I´m bewusst keeping this mini diary I notice that some days I´m actually doing loads of new things! And I´m getting quite excited by all that...three cheers for trying/experiencing/hearing/tasting/feeling/seeing new things!

1 comment:

  1. it's fun, isn't it? sometimes it's just about keeping your eyes open. all of a sudden we realize the good stuff that happens on its own. or we start doing things with intention and they become so much more... I'm glad you joined in :)
