Wednesday, 25 January 2012


I can't remember how I found out about this relatively famous youtube channel but I do remember that I was instantly hooked.
The daily soap of this young Irish couple from Cork seemed to be something completely unique to me. A real couple who filmed about 30nminutes of their life every day! I was fascinated by so much exhibitionism. First I was a bit irritated to be honest, Anna was too beautiful and perfect to be true and to be likeable. Jofus just always was so cheerful and hyperactive that it went on my nerves veeery quick. But I still was hooked...and still am. Cause once you start to look behind Anna's petite gorgeousness and Jofus' compulsive funny voices you see two awesome characters. People that are so normal and so special at he same time. Give them a chance and I'm sure you will start loving their videos soon enough.

and if you wanna see his soft core which is really touching and heartfelt:


  1. :o) Ich schau sie seit Beginn. ;o) Anna ist jetzt schwanger. Jetzt schau ichs noch lieber. :oD

  2. Ich "schaue" sie nicht, ich lese sie nur und finde sie zusammen auch total süß :)

  3. Der Artikel ist grad noch mal unter "You might also like" aufgetaucht. In letzter Zeit will ich kaum noch Annas Blog lesen, die Hater-Kommentare sind so gemein und nervig, dass mir total die Lust drauf vergeht. Ich wäre froh sie würde sie gar nicht mehr freieben, denn ansich lese ich gerne Kommentare... aber nicht solche.
