Thursday, 10 November 2011

Blog Advents Calendar

If you like taking pictures and are not completely opposed to anything christmassy, I have come across the perfect opportunity to show one of your shots to a larger audience.
Manu is organizing a photographic advents calendar on her blog where everyone taking part has to pick one date and send in a suitable photo polaroid style. I love the idea and have already secured the 23. 12.. There are still free dates so check it out if you´re thinking about taking part (page is in German though):

Ist Weibsvolk anwesend?


  1. Es dauert nicht mehr lange, und wir dürfen das erste Fensterchen öffnen. Einen schönen Adventskalender hast du.
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt dir

  2. thanks for the tip. looks interesting :)
