Wednesday, 14 December 2011


...I can't eat as much as I wanna puke
(and please excuse my graphic language, I'm a hardcore emetophobic person so if I say something like that things must be really bad)
It's a famous German quote from the Berlin painter Max Liebermann by the way.
( „Ich kann gar nicht soviel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte.“).

I saw it on monday in Kingston, I saw it yesterday in Primark. 
Kids sitting in their pushchair...with a mobile dvd player on their keep them survive the horrible time outside when there is no tv anywhere to keep them quiet...this discovery left me speechless. Call me old-fashioned or some alternative hippie who has lost touch with reality, but: What the FUCK are those parents thinking?!? What has happened to kids which are nosy, eager to learn and to see new things, happy to run around, get dirty and move? If that is the future then good-night world...

PS: Hereby I vow that my future children will not come near a tv until they are at least 3 years old...that they will learn new things everyday and that with me they will run around all day and play in the mud. They might be unpopular but one day they will, hopefully, thank me...