Wednesday, 30 July 2014

everyday (part 30)

As Alice in Astonishland quite rightly pointed out, this category needs a reminder again what it actually means. It means one first time each and every day (works out fine and is in fact very easy). A new taste, a new experience, a new route, a new song, a new whatever. 
Just raising my own awareness to new things and with that hoping to feel time passing more slowly (not working right now).
So it´s not the best thing that happened to me each day, otherwise a day where the best thing was an airport queue would be a pretty bad one ;-)

23. - 29. July

23.7. had to queue for more than 40min to drop off my luggage at Heathrow, was entertained though watching people ignoring every announcement and missing their flights ( hahaha *evil laugh*)
24.7. heard the Polizeiorchester Rheinland-Pfalz play a concert for children on Mainz university campus while walking past - and found out that they are musicians and not trained police officers
25.7. took a different route in Frankfurt from the undergound stop "Glauburg Straße" to my beloved Berger Straße...I love exploring new roads
26.7. stayed for the start of the impro theatre late night show on Wiesbaden´s Neroberg but didn´t like it - still love the atmosphere up there but the shows failed to excite me recently
27.7. first walk through the forest after the big storm in early July looking at many destroyed trees, sad
28.7. bought my first ever white and possibly ugly nurse style sandals, fashionvictim ;-)
29.7. had the marinated pork steaks instead of the chicken ones from Lidl (yes, groundbreaking)


  1. Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :) So ist das :) Sehr cool. Ich bewundere es dennoch, dass du so viele first times hast. Oder sind die quasi bewusst geplant à la "Heute probiere ich mal Safran!" Das erleichterte Gefühl wenn sich die Schlange bewegt würde ich übrigens durchaus als "happy thing" bezeichnen^^

    1. also viele "first times" passieren von alleine was schön ist aber wenn nicht von vorneherein was neues ansteht dann versuche ich mich nun auch zu bemühen was neues zu machen wie z.B. mit Safran zu würzen oder so :-)
