Tuesday, 30 April 2013

size matters

When a baby gets born within your circle of friends or family you usually receive a card/text/mail very soon which tells you the usual parameters. In Germany that means name, date, time, weight, length and sometimes the head circumference.

Not in the UK where apart from name, date and time only the weight (and this one of course never in the official metric system but in the old imperial one aka lb instead of kg...just to be different) seems to matter.
Apparently the baby doesn´t even get measured after birth...so if you are planning to give birth on the island and want to impress and keep up with your mainland friends then don´t forget to put a tape measure into your hospital bag ;-)

Monday, 29 April 2013

Berlin. Symphonie einer Großstadt

director: Walter Ruttmann
year: 1927

story: One day in 1920´s Berlin, from the the still empty streets of the early morning to the hectic urban life during the day until the city goes to sleep again late at night

what I liked: I love old b/w films and I love seeing how a familiar place like Berlin looked in a different time before war had taken it´s toll.
what I didn't like: nothing

verdict: Fantastic. It could have just been done in 2013 and wouldn´t look much different (of course it would but essentially not much has changed). Seeing all those people which are 99,9% all dead now, wondering who they were and what happened to them a few years later...asking myself which of the buildings survived undamaged...thinking that my grannies could have been in that film being 6 and 8 years old...being smitten by the 20´s fashion and drawn into that particular modern rhythm the film introduces, magic, touching and thoughtprovoking. Definitely worth seeing, especially if you are a Berlin and/or history fan.


Choreographie, Konzept, Bühne, Kostüm, Licht: Pascal Touzeau
Theater: Staatstheater Mainz
Premiere: 15.12.2012

Inhalt: Pascal Touzeau beschäftigt sich für seinen Ballettabend „Inferno“ mit der Höllen-Thematik und setzt sich mit allegorischen Darstellungen gequälter Körper, Schattenleiber und dämonischer Fratzen auseinander. Die Vorstellung eines ewig in Schmerz und Sünde gebannten Körpers – eine Herausforderung, die Touzeau annimmt, um Spielräume einer Grenzsituation zu erkunden.

was mir gefallen hat: die Bestuhlung zu ändern und damit eine Arenabühne zu haben, so dass alle Zuschauer direkt um die Bühne herum sitzen ist eine tolle Idee. Näher und intensiver geht es nicht. Die Tänzer waren super, eine Leistung mit scheinbar zugeklebten Augen zu agieren. Fand es auch sehr interessant zu sehen wie anders der Körperbau im Vergleich zu rein klassischen Tänzern ist!
was mir nicht gefallen hat: Tanz und Musik waren anstrengend und konnten längst nicht all das im Programmheft angedachte verständlich machen. Größtenteils saß ich recht ratlos da und habe vor allem hektische Bewegungen gesehen. Durch die lange Umbau bedingte Pause kam man dann leider nur noch mehr "raus".

Fazit: Ich mag Tanz - egal ob klassisch oder modern und bin auch was die Musik angeht sehr hart im Nehmen. Aber hier hat mir irgendwie das erkennbare Konzept gefehlt. Ohne Programmheft konnte man außer der Schöpfungsgeschichte kaum etwas de-chiffrieren, es war zu sehr eine Kopfgeburt und der Tanz wurde damit zunehmends langweilig. Als Resultat war ich leider nie "gepackt" - da ich aber peinlicherweise bisher noch nichts von Pascal Touzeau mit dem Ballettmainz gesehen habe, werde ich es nun weiterhin versuchen.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Brompton Oratory

Two weeks ago on a sunny and quiet Sunday morning in London I found myself walking through Kensington. After a stroll through Hyde Park I went along Exhibition road. Visiting the V&A Museum was an option but it was still only 9:30 in the morning and queuing in order to enter a normal museum seemed a bit odd.

Next door is a fairly well-known church, the Brompton Oratory. Well-known because it is the second biggest Roman Catholic church in London.
Alfred Hitchcock and Edward Elgar got married here (not to each other of course lol), the organ is quite famous if you are interested in such things...

I quickly decided that I wanted to have a look inside as I had never been so off I went...and found myself in the last 5 minutes of a proper mass - in LATIN!
I was fascinated...didn´t understand a word...and stayed.
Stayed for the whole 10am Catholic Sunday mass. Picked up one of their useful leaflets and followed all the printed in red instructions about when to sit down or stand up. Looked at the dressed up and very multicultural congregation. At the homeless man kneeling down and praying. At the kids in their sunday dresses playing hide and seek. Tried to listen to the completely tongue-tied and un-entertaining priest. Looked at the architecture and felt extremely bold and reckless.

I was baptised as a Protestant but left church some years ago now. I´m not really believing in a God. I can get really really angry and engaged in certain religious discussions. I have never read anything in the bible.
A friend once was surprised that I could enter a church and didn´t burst into flames straightaway...old heretic me, hehe.
Nevertheless the buildings and the agglomeration of rituals fascinates me a lot.
Doesn´t touch me in the slighest but fascinates me like a theatre performance or military parade can do.

So here I sat, in a Catholic mass that included hardly any music (suited me - I dislike organ music) and no songs ( strange, isn´t it?!?).
Certainly one of the moments when I surprised myself most in recent times. It didn´t convert me, Hell no!, but it was an interesting experience. Been there, done that - London just has so much to offer as long as you keep your eyes and ears open and observe all the opportunities that come your way.
Hindu temple next!

Saturday, 27 April 2013

bag parade, part six

where: Urban Outfitters, Edinburgh
when: 2010

Bought this at the very beginning of the old school style satchel hype. Fell in love instantly as it reminded me of my very first kindergarten bag. No real leather and not the biggest but still a cool, handy and easy to combine. Like and use it a lot.

Friday, 26 April 2013

the budding twigs spread out their fan, to catch the breezy air...

Freitags-Füller 50

Heute wird hier Chili ausgesäht für die Fensterbank.

Auf youtube gibt es immer was zu lachen. Am liebsten schaue ich mir Clips an die ich schon tausendmal gesehen habe, auf DVD habe und trotzdem immer wieder gucke. Zum Beispiel:

Es sieht nicht gut aus auf meinen Armen und der Stirn - Sonnenbrand.

Gestern war ich bei einer Freundin eingeladen und habe eine grossartige, unerwartete und fast unglaubliche Neuigkeit erfahren.

Ich kann verstehen warum "Waterloo Sunset" oft als schönstes London-Lied genannt wird, denke jedes mal dran wenn ich in Waterloo Station ankomme und bin irgendwie gerührt.

Stevia statt Zucker, habe ich noch nie ausprobiert und plane es eigentlich auch nicht.

Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf's daheim bleiben nachdem ich den Tag in Frankfurt unterwegs sein werde, morgen habe ich vor regnerische Blumenfotos in Mainz zu machen und dann ist ein Windbeutel- und Kaffeekränzchen bei einer Freundin geplant und Sonntag möchte ich in den Wald gehen, ein bisschen daheim rumwurschteln und alle meine Fotos hochladen!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

on the road 6

10 o´clock in the morning, the bus to the university campus. Two young guys, probably sport students, talking.

a: You look surprisingly good this morning!
b: I know. I´m surprised myself. Only came home 3 hours ago.
a: I guess that our friend W is still semi-conscious on that sofa? You both looked so cute asleep on there. Like an old couple.
b: Very funny
a: Was a really good night though, wasn´t it? Lots of good women there!
b: Yeah, apart from the one with the massive arse.
a: Yeah...
b: But the one I have been messing around with on the sofa was quite nice. I felt so good drinking much!!! What a shame I didn´t have any oral sex, that would have been perfect!
a: Yeah...

Guys, I´m sure you are pretty cool (at least you think so). I find it fascinating listening to you and, as I was pressed against you on the busy bus, appreciate a lot that you did shower and change your clothes after your boozy night.
One day I´m sure you will understand what tmi means. What do they say, people who speak the most about it, have the least...

Kleine Lichter

Autor: Roger Willemsen
erschienen: 2005

Inhalt: Seit sechs Monaten liegt der Geliebte im Koma, jetzt bespricht Valerie am Krankenhausbett ein Tonband, das ihn wieder ins Leben zurückführen soll. Nun, wo es um alles geht, ist alles in ihrer Sprache Liebe. Wie kann man fühlen und sich nicht verlieren? Wie kann man dem Mangel begegnen, der alle Liebe treibt? Wie kann man erhalten, was man nicht halten kann? Zwischen Wien, wo sie liebt, und Tokio, wo sie arbeitet, hin und her gerissen, beschwört Valerie die eigene Liebesgeschichte noch einmal herauf und zeichnet die Veränderung ihrer Gefühle akribisch nach - bis zu dem Punkt, an dem sie fast überwunden scheinen (amazon)

gefallen hat: Ich mag Roger Willemsen, bin immer fasziniert von seiner fast schon verführerischen Intelligenz und Eloquenz. Auch hier finden sich zum Teil großartige Gedanken mit unfassbarer Präzision und fernab jeglicher sprachlicher Klischees ausgedrückt.
nicht gefallen hat: Fantastische Sprache alleine ersetzt keine zumindest halbwegs packende Handlung. Im Prinzip geschieht nicht viel und Seite für Seite kämpft man sich wie durch das Tagebuch einer unbekannten, vergeistigten Liebenden. Das Lesen erfordert ein Höchstmaß an Konzentration und die Bereitschaft sich auf den fast schon philosophischen Text einzulassen - ob dieser Einsatz am Ende der Lektüre dann belohnt wird, bleibt offen.

Fazit: Zuviel des Guten schwingt manchmal ins Gegenteil.
So sehr ich in solchen Dingen eigentlich eisern bin und so sehr ich den Gedanken mag dieses Buch verstanden und geschätzt zu haben - auf Seite 60 habe ich kapituliert. Zu wenig Handlung, zu viel Intellekt und der leise Verdacht, dass alles auch viel heiße Luft sein kann.

Monday, 22 April 2013


director: Rob Marshall
year: 2002
with: Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere, John C. Reilly, etc.

(there would have been a trailer...if not a thousand "errors" would occur each time I try to watch them on youtube :-/)

story: Chicago in the 1930´s, Velma Kelly - a famous nightclub singer and dancer meets Roxie Hart - a housewife with an ambition to become famous... in jail! They both have murdered and now try to get out of their misery...

what I liked: I love the musical! Funny though that I didn´watch the film adaption of it till now. I can sing along each number and adore the wickedness of the plot. In my opinion they all sung and danced well, no one was standing out too much. Even made me like Richard Gere for once!

what I didn't like: Sometimes it´s a pity to get your perspective steered by the camera instead of having a traditional stage frontal view so you could watch the dancing better. And, I know I know, this subject is so worn out but: Miss Zellweger is so extremely petite and bony in here that she has a typical lollipop head. Not a good look.

verdict: Still one of my favourite musicals of all time. The film version comes very close to a good stage show so thumbs up from me! Fascinating dark and clever story, great costumes, fantastic dancing and songs that will never leave your head again once they have made themselves comfortable in there...

Sunday, 21 April 2013

on the road 5

Frankfurt airport, terminal 1, baggage reclaim.
A group of Germans on their way back home from Washington DC via Heathrow. Probably parents, their friends and some daughters in their twenties.
In Heathrow I have already noticed them as they are just louder than the rest. Not as loud as some Americans or Spaniards could be but still loud, in a self-confidently German way.
They make a lot of jokes, I blame it on the jetlag. The jokes are not overly funny.
Some men wear Camp David shirts and some women "I love NY" hoodies, what more can I say...
They speak with a light northern accent with sounds annoying (no offence please...for me every dialect north of Frankfurt and west of Berlin sounds like that).
Waiting for their bags they try to outdo each other with stories of all the amazing things that happened to them in "Hollister"...and "Abercrombie & Fitch"...and "Victoria´s Secret".
Just to make sure even the last person impatiently waiting for their suitcase to arrive has understood where they have been on holidays. They make themselves comfortable on the seats next to the conveyor belts and take their shoes of...in order to get access to their compression stockings.
Always prepared, always efficient.

I have just realized I´m not in England anymore.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

bag parade, part five

where: The Jane Austen Centre, Bath
when: summer 2012

Needs not more comments. I do love Mr Darcy and love a fun statement bag. Gets used in the nerdy way since then (means, as a handbag) ... one day fashion will change and this one will retire to become an ordinary shopping bag. A perfect souvenir (surprised that I didn´t get any comments on the streets yet!)

Friday, 19 April 2013

Freitag-Füller 49

Ab sofort lese ich vielleicht doch immer mal einen Krimi, habe die Woche "The Drowning" von Camilla Lackberg fertig gelesen und war ziemlich angetan.

Manchmal bekommt man mails da wundert es einen, dass man nicht postwendend explodiert.

Nächste Woche habe ich einiges geplant: 3 Dates mit Freundinnen, 1 Foto-Workshop, ein Museumsbesuch und eine Ballett Auffuehrung.

Was erst wie Unkraut aussah in unserem Garten hat sich nun als Vergissmeinnicht entpuppt, sehr schoen.

Zuerst fahren wir heute zu Box Hill spazieren und dann nach Horsham, bummeln und die Schwiegereltern Nr.1 besuchen.

Beschaemenderweise checke ich als erstes Facebook und meine mails via iPod wenn ich morgens die Augen aufmache.

Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf einen letzten gemeinsamen Abend in England mit Pizza und "Gardeners World", morgen habe ich nach Frankfurt fliegen und mittags Kuchen von meinem Mainzer Lieblingsbaecker essen geplant und Sonntag möchte ich zur Kakteenboerse nach Delkenheim, gehoert schon seit Jahren irgendwie dazu und ich mag Kakteen und Sukkulenten wirklich gerne!

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Secondhand Treasure XI

a small Richard Wagner bust that looks quite old. I like Wagner and I thought that Johann Strauss on my piano could do with some serious company :-)
Who owned it before? Where was it bought? How old is it? And how did it end up in Brighton? Always the same excitement and air of mystery.

where: Snooper's Paradise, Brighton
price: 7£

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Friends with Benefits

last night I discovered that the sky-tv box has become much more clever than it used to be. I can now download and watch box sets of some popular tv series for free! I was pleased to find "Game of Thrones" as I was planning to finally give it a try after at least 20 people telling me how great it is...so I started. 
And had to stop after exactly 4 minutes as I found it way too scary. Epic fail.
I decided to switch to something completely unscary...maybe not the best starting point for my viewing experience...

director: Will Gluck
year: 2011
with: Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Patricia Clarkson, Richard Jenkins, etc.

story: Dylan and Jamie are both fed up with dysfunctional relationships so they decide to have a lot of sex while staying just friends. Of course this doesn't work out easy...

what I liked: that it wasn't as scary as "Game of Thrones"
what I didn't like: The story is simple and more than predictable.
Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis get on well but are average. I don't mind him nowadays but have developed quite a dislike in her during that film. Sorry but why does everyone, male and female, find her so extremely hot??? I find her voice and accent highly annoying and for me she has eyes like a cow...anyway. The whole setting is too picture perfect again. They are all oh-so-modern, busy, successful, wealthy (I mean, look at those appartements and the beach house!) and sometimes it is more of a gagdet battle than a film. Never before I was so relieved to see a character with Alzheimer's. Finally something human, unglamorous and at least a little bit less shallow.

verdict: Modern rom-coms are just not for me, I should know it by now.
Boring, sleek and with some cringeworthy scenes (not the surprisingly nude sex - I mean expressions like "But me likes cock, so I'm strickily-dickily". Really? Uhhh)

(and I'm going to get some really interesting traffic on my blog soon I guess lol)



(how do you pronounce that right?!? English? German?? Help!)

131 - 141 King's Road

158 Regent Street

Ok, this might not be that new and exciting to you as the shop is quite popular, has been featured many times in any available lifestyle mag and is actually way bigger in the US where it originates from.
Anyway, I took a bit longer to discover it (as usual) but fell in love instantly.
Someone described the shop as Urban Outfitters for grown-ups and that's exactly the feel. Lovely clothes, exclusive but quirky toiletries, home accessories and probably the biggest choice of cupboard door knobs I have ever seen ... and thats all I had to take in until I found their tableware assortment.
Amazing I tell you, proper crockery porn I tell you! Could have bought anything but limited myself to one very pretty Portuguese bowl.
Not cheap but not too luxurious to make you feel uncomfortable.
So much more than a shop - an inspiration and haven of beauty.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

common divisor

Maths and me will never be best buddies.
In primary school we first met and got on fairly well, in the first year of grammar school we nearly became friends but it went downhill from there. Don't know if it was his fault or mine. Him with all those stupid and absolutely useless graphs and quadratic equations. Me with my laziness and complete unwillingness to see his inner beauty and magic.

When trigonometry was the thing to do our relationship lit up again, a flash in the pan, after that things where hopeless. Unable to get a divorce from him till the end of school after grade 13 I spend the last years completely ignoring him, pretending he wasn't there.
Not fulfilling the tasks and duties he gave me, not reading the books he recommended, nothing.
I was physically present when I had to be, nothing more.

Unfortunately my maths teacher of the years 12 and 13 was (and still is) a way to friendly man. He didn't stop trying to get me interested in the fascinating world of numbers and coordinate systems. He failed...

In one exam (one out of many) I managed to score 0 out of 15 points. I wasn't the only one so the exam got repeated. After handing my nearly empty paper in, my teacher asked me in a nearly anxious way "And, did it go better this time?!?".
My reply was "Einen Hauch besser " ("a whiff better").
He laughed...laughed a lot.

The exam came back and I had 1 out of 15points, still failed but not bad enough any more to stop me from graduating.

Last week I ran into my maths teacher at the station. 13 years later. He still recognized me, smiled at me and shouted across the street "Einen Hauch besser!"
Great when teachers accept that, despite failing in their particular subject, you are still a decent and maybe even likeable person.

PS: If you are interested how the relationship between maths and me went on. Well, the often promised "One day you WILL need it" never came...we succesfully got a divorce after the very last exam and I haven't spend any time with him since.

bag parade, part four

where: Asos
when: 2009?

First thing I ever ordered at asos. Has been used in England only for a while but is "living" in Germany since last year. Looks better than your average fake leather bag, is versatile cause of it´s two handles and is still fairly trendy. Unfortunately the lining is ripped but it takes more than that to make us part.

Friday, 12 April 2013

I'm walking

Wie ihr vielleicht schon mitbekommen habt, findet beim online Schuhladen I'm walking momentan eine Blogger-Aktion statt. Einfach Lieblingsmarke im Shop raussuchen, drueber berichten und sich damit die Chance auf einen Gutschein und eine gratis Tamaris Umhaengetasche sichern.
Da bin ich doch gerne mit dabei!

Ausgesucht habe ich mir die Marke Pretty Ballerinas
Zugegebenermassen nicht gerade preisguenstig aber wunderschoene Schuhe.
Da frau ihre Ballerinas ja erfahrungsgemaess sowieso immer und ueberall hin, sprich gerne und viel anzieht, zahlt sich hier meiner Meinung nach eine gute Qualitaet besonders aus.
Diese zartrosanen haben es mir ganz besonders angetan. Einerseits wie einem Ballett entsprungen und doch tragbar, haltbar und bequem.
Die Temperaturen sind im Steigen begriffen, endlich koennen sie wieder aus den Tiefen des Schuhschranks auftauchen und raus um die Welt erkunden. Ich freu mich drauf!

Freitag-Füller 48

Es ist mir viel zu kompliziert mich um technische Fragen zu kümmern wie z.B. "Welches Objektiv soll ich mir kaufen?". Nach langem Eiertanz habe ich mir nun gestern endlich eins zugelegt - nun kann die Hochzeitssaison starten!

Habe ich noch nie betreten (und habe es auch nicht vor), ein Nagelstudio.

Ob man die Portulak Röschen jetzt schon im Freien ausähen kann?

Das Essen bei Pho in Brighton gestern war so lecker, es ist schier unfassbar.

Das Leben ist schön, trotz allem.

Tagebuch schreibe ich gerne. Ist sehr phasenabhängig, manchmal schreibe ich ein halbes Jahr gar nichts. Dann wiederum 70-80 Seiten innerhalb von 2 Tagen.

Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf Shepherd's Pie essen (mein Mann kocht), morgen habe ich den ersten englischen Flohmarkt der Saison geplant und Sonntag möchte ich früh nach London fahren und wahrscheinlich Sutton House in Hackney besichtigen und danach entweder einfach weiterlaufen und z.B. mal schauen was in Stoke Newington so los ist oder zum Friedhof in Kensal Green und eine Führung mitmachen.

Mansfield Park

director: Patricia Rozema
year: 1999
with: Frances O' Connor, Jonny Lee Miller, Alessandro Nivola, Harold Pinter, etc.

story: England in the 1800s, Fanny Price is being send away from her poor family to live with her wealthy relations at "Mansfield Park". She grows up with the four children there, developes a talent in writing and becomes close friends with Edmund, the younger son. Then the charming Henry Crawford turns up...

what I liked: can't think of anything...:-/
what I didn't like: The setting is completely dark and lacklustre. Not one of the actors offers anything worth getting crazy about. Don't know if big subjects like slavery or the underlying homosexual tension between Fanny and Mary Crawford really need to be in a film if you only mention them but have no intention to bring them to some sort of conclusion. Maybe I should read the novel soon so I have reasons to dislike this adaption even more so...or not as "Mansfield Park" is the least adored of all Austen novels anyway.

verdict: Boring, dull and a waste of time. Maybe not every Jane Austen film adaption should be all sunny and sweet but this is a real turn-off. It's a Rosamunde Pilcher film minus the beauty.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Moguntiacum II

and some more recent pictures from the lovely city of Mainz.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

London towage

A day trip to London means for me that I want to be prepared for nearly all possible eventualities...result is: I'm carrying a shitload of stuff with me in any handbag big and sturdy enough for the task and at least vaguely matching my outfit.

So what do I (and maybe you too?) need:

  • a bottle of water (can't go without)
  • my small camera (sometimes the big one plus lenses if I really wanna take pictures)
  • chewing gum
  • an "emergency" bag (painkillers, spare shoe lace, plasters, etc.)
  • a London map (as I tend to walk around everywhere)
  • wallet
  • diary
  • pen
  • calendar
  • book (for reading when I'm wide awake)
  • magazine (for reading when I'm tired)
  • make-up bag (should at least carry powder, lipstick and perfume)
  • hand disinfectant
  • hand creme
  • tissues
  • sun glasses (and/or umbrella)
  • keys
  • Oyster card (essential!)
  • iPod (not for music, only for checking emails in case I find free wi-fi)
  • mobile 1 (the German SIM)
  • mobile 2 (the English SIM)
  •  the extended version has spare shoes, sun cream and food in it as well...and that is before any possible shopping tour...
I think I should start looking into some back therapy training soon ;-)

Midnight in Paris

director: Woody Allen
year: 2011
with: Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Marion Cottilard, Michael Sheen, etc.

story: Gil, a successful American screenwriter struggles with his first novel and dreams about living in the 1920's. On holidays in Paris with his fiancee his dream seems to become true and changes his life and relationship...

what I liked: Where shall I start? Paris is depicted as a truly magical postcard picture. The music is lovely. The costumes are stunning. All actors do a very good job (and I finally start liking Owen Wilson now!) and the dialogues are funny and clever.
What is our personal "golden age"? Would we really like to time travel? Could we cope with going backwards in history or is it the safer way to simply browse antique markets? And what is the point of a relationship if you have next to nothing in common?

what I didn't like: That it had to end in 2010. I know I know, it wouldn't make sense otherwise but I could have stayed in the past forever. I give you that the Americans get portrayed very stereotypical and stupid but it fits in so wonderfully ;-)

verdict: Do you love Paris? Do you have the feeling that you live in the wrong time? Do you find Woody Allen funny? If you have answered all three questions with a clear yes (as I did) then this is the perfect film for you. Thoughtprovoking escapism, what more do you want.
I'm in love...and will go and get the dvd now (and get on planning that next trip to Paris).

Saturday, 6 April 2013

bag parade, part three

where: Marks & Spencer, Brighton
when: 2009/10?

Was love at first sight cause the colours ( a very faint baby pink, slate grey and black patent) are so easy to combine, the handle makes it standing out and the size is just perfect (looks small but is actually pretty roomy). Made use of a voucher which I earned through filling in online surveys to buy this one.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Freitag-Füller 47

Wenn die Temperaturen naechste Woche steigen sollten, dann wird doch noch was aus unserem Camping Trip.

Wie aus 4 Stunden Material fuer eine TV Sendung am Ende 30min Sendezeit werden, verstehe ich einfach nicht. (komme gerade aus London und war bei der Aufzeichnung fuer die morgige...achnee...heutige Folge von "Have I got News for You")

Ein spontaner Wochenendausflug würde, nix würde sondern ist! Bin zwar ein unspontaner Mensch aber Wochenendausfluege gehoeren fuer mich gluecklicherweise fest dazu.

Getrocknete Aprikosen  ist sind im Moment mein liebster "gesunder" Snack.

Es wird Frühling, wenn ich bequem mit Ballerinas ohne Socken rausgehen kann...und wenn es endgueltig nicht mehr schneit :-/

Waren vorhin zum ersten Mal bei "Wahaca" in London mexikanisch essen. Auf der Speisekarte standen auch gebratene Grashuepfer...die koennte ich beim besten Willen nicht runterschlucken.

Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf die Folgen 4 und 5 von Staffel 3 "Downton Abbey" zusammen mit meinem nun auch suechtigen Mann , morgen habe ich frueh nach London fahren und ein bisschen Bummeln und Shoppen geplant (Inglot!!! Ich Blogger Opfer...) und mittags vielleicht ins Theater geplant und Sonntag möchte ich wahrscheinlich nochmal nach London und neue Gegenden auskundschaften wenn Wetter und Energie es zulassen!