Friday 7 January 2011

There's something in the air...

Today was a little spring preview with unfortunately lots of rain but some dry spots as well and shocking 12 degrees! Loved it and made the best of it doing some shopping in Chichester. Didn't plan to buy anything but as it goes - ended up with 2 new pairs of shoes, a jeans jacket (5 £ only, woohoo!), a skirt, some Accessorize goodies, a set of knitting needles and some scented candles.

So not a good day in the classic sense (the reason I got to Chichester was that my husband had to attend a funeral in the area and I got a lift) but I made the best of it and it all worked out. Winter and snow will get us again I'm sure but I enjoyed seeing some primroses already today.

Frühlingsglaube Faith in Spring
von Ludwig Uhland Prose translation by Hyde Flippo

Die linden Lüfte sind erwacht, The gentle winds are awakened,
Sie säuseln und wehen
   Tag und Nacht,
They murmur and waft
   day and night,
Sie schaffen an allen Enden. They create in every corner.
O frischer Duft, o neuer Klang! Oh fresh scent, oh new sound!
Nun, armes Herze, sei nicht bang! Now, poor dear [heart], fear not!
Nun muss sich alles, alles wenden. Now everything, everything must change.
Die Welt wird schöner
   mit jedem Tag,
The world becomes more beautiful
   with each day,
Man weiß nicht,
   was noch werden mag,
One does not know
   what may yet happen,
Das Blühen will nicht enden. The blooming doesn't want to end.
Es blüht das fernste, tiefste Tal: The farthest, deepest valley blooms:
Nun, armes Herz, vergiss der Qual! Now, poor dear, forget the pain!
Nun muss sich alles, alles wenden. Now everything, everything must change.

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